#RaayiRiga The BRICS system will create an environment of equality for developing countries

 The 15th BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) leaders' meeting will be held from the 22nd to the 24th of the month, in South Africa, which has attracted the attention of the community in various fields. two:
 First, some important issues will be discussed at the meeting, including how to reduce the dependence on the US dollar as a currency that is often used in international trade, and the development of the BRICS cooperation system to it includes more countries.
 The second is how the meeting and the BRICS system are gaining acceptance among developing countries. According to the South African country, which will host the BRICS summit this time, at least the leaders of 34 developing countries have confirmed that they will participate in the consultation meetings that will be held on the sidelines of the meeting. At least 23 developing countries, including Nigeria, Egypt, Iran, etc., have already expressed their intention to become members of the BRICS system.
 So, why are so many developing countries interested in the BRICS partnership?
 The first reason is that, in the eyes of developing countries, this system will help meet their needs in the field of development, which include reducing or stopping dependence on the US dollar, to ensure their security in the financial and economic fields. attracting more investment from abroad, increasing trade relations between developing countries, including becoming leaders in the world, and so on.
 In addition, another reason, which is more important, is the desire of developing countries to change their situation. In the midst of the global economic crisis and the long-running war between Russia and Ukraine, the old financial and economic system of the world, under the leadership of the West, has already become the plans of the countries with countries are using them to protect their interests, instead of providing opportunities for economic development for developing countries. Therefore, the developing countries have no way to do, apart from trying to use the cooperation plans, including the BRICS system, to ensure a balanced situation in the field of financial and economic planning. wealth, and creating new opportunities for national development.
 For their part, some officials of international organizations and experts from African countries have praised the BRICS system and expressed their hope for the upcoming summit. While interviewing the press recently, Carlos Correa, the executive director of the International Organization for Development of South Center, said that the G7 and G20 groups are under the control of developing countries, while the BRICS system provides and policies that will benefit developing countries. For his part, Fulufhelo Netswera, the director of the BRICS Center at the Durban University of Technology in South Africa, predicted that the issue of reforming the UN system and other international organizations will be discussed during the meeting. the upcoming BRICS summit. In his opinion, the world system that was established after the Second World War gave the opportunity to eat and sweat the people of countries with weak economic power, therefore, reforms are needed to give all countries the opportunity to express their views on the affairs of the world. less and less. In addition, Charles Onunaiju, a Nigerian expert, said that the BRICS countries are like family members who try to cover each other's back and cooperate to ensure their mutual interests, so the participation of African countries in the BRICS system will give them opportunity to solve the problems that hinder their economic development.
 Another interesting thing is that seeing how the BRICS system is attracting the attention of African countries has made the West start thinking about their guilt. Recently, the Council on Foreign Relations (Council on Foreign Relations) published a statement on its website, titled "Lessons to be learned from African policies in the new era", which He said that "the people of African countries refuse to use the old methods to solve new problems", because "the current world plans are disheartening to them". "Washington should have the opportunity to testify that it also wants to participate in the reform of the international system, because the need to secure African countries with a balanced environment was not considered when the plans were presented. plan." said the statement.

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