G20 Summit News

This morning, Saturday, September 9, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang attended the first stage of the 18th G20 Summit, which is currently underway in New Delhi, India, where he also presented with the speech that says, it is appropriate for the member countries of the G20 group to stand as a single broom, and take responsibility for ensuring peace and development. Li said, human beings have a common destiny, so the countries of the world should respect each other, seek similarities even though there are differences of opinion, and live together in harmony. The Prime Minister also emphasized that his country will stand on deepening reforms at home, widening the door to foreign countries, creating positive development, and modernizing China according to its own style. China has a bright future, which will undoubtedly add energy to the revival of the world economy and provide sustainable development. China will cooperate with other countries, in order to increase determination and give more contributions to the whole world and the future of mankind as a whole. (Murtala Zhang)

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